
 STREAMING: David Young & Julia Burr

These two artists, diverse in approach, training and medium, are bringing their individual perspectives together in an encounter designed to arouse the viewer’s curiosity and stimulate awareness of our world through not only abstract, but innovative, alternative views of nature.

— Rita Vermillion, “The Laurel of Asheville”

UPSTREAM at Space One Eleven

David Young explores or, in reality, exploits the movement of water in a series of photos concentrating on the ebb and flow of rivers. His ability to concentrate on rivulet activity, capturing the effects of light and shadow and the delicate flotsam of leaves and other bits of floating material, creates wonderfully voluptuous images that suggest strands of silk being churned in liquid.

— James R. Nelson, Visual Arts Critic, “The Birmingham News”

These are wonderful close-ups showing creeks in a unique way, perhaps as the creatures who live in them experience the shifting light, colors and current around them.

— Beth K. Stewart, Executive Director, The Cahaba River Society


David Young’s vibrant work offers a heightened experience in bold colors that intensify the experience of swirling and tumbling waters over rocks and rills that take on a vivid imagery full of enhanced energy, releasing a dynamic vortex of brilliant colors.

— James R. Nelson, Visual Arts Critic, “The Birmingham News”

at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens

David Young is one of the most intriguing photographers working with images of nature. Wonderfully complex color patterns… elaborate, shimmering glories that suggest stained glass. Young creates shimmering, lush and voluminous abstractions that celebrate the beauty of nature.

— James R. Nelson, Visual Arts Critic, “The Birmingham News”

David Young’s crystalline color images of water demonstrate the breadth of photography as an artistic medium for conveying the limitless beauty of nature.

— Birmingham Botanical Gardens press release

UPSTREAM at the C&O Gallery

The images captured in the photos that comprise “Upstream” offer compelling visual testimony to the intricate movements of water – not always immediately apparent, but always present in the world around us.

— “Albemarle” Magazine