
DCY Artist Photo.jpg

All my photographs are the result of a restless mind that’s always wandering off into the woods. I explore the beauty of abstract forms, a beauty I find more arresting when it exists beneath and on the surface at the same time. Take a creek, a stream, a river: when I find a way to enter the dizzying whirl of color and light and reflection tumbling together in the currents, the camera lens becomes for me what the rabbit hole was for Alice, a portal to slip between the layers of representation and abstraction.

These are digital images created in-camera, using available light and without special lenses or filters. I essentially seek to enter the frame of the photograph and discover what lies within. The disorienting sense of scale and subject matter mirrors my experience of these aquatic landscapes.

Pushing further upstream, certain constants reveal themselves in the intricate movements of water. I become a naturalist, a visual field biologist. If I am truly present and my senses are porous, the camera has the power to magnify the poetic and abstract beauty of the world.